Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ya know what... this here just took all the fun outta moving, ya know that!!! What is better than using that good ol' tape that can remove all the hair from a apes ass with a single swipe. Better yet, removing your buddys eyebrows while he is nappin in the corner!?!?

I know the pic is small, but I wanted to share a bit of art from my football winner. She took the time to "scrap" a page about Amy and I. The title of it is Cutlers Rock... right back at ya Melissa!!

Now, for the next 14 days, starting now, I am gonna ask Ya'll a few questions about the sound of music.

So, lets stop the bull and get it started!!!!

In 1973 this band started out with a brand new sound. It was not rock-n-roll, and it sure wasnt county. But for some odd reason they took off for the moon. Thru out the years they have had heartache and tragedy. With a plane crash and a band melt down, and some leaving and other asked to leave, they have made it 30+ years and are still going on strong...

Who am I looking for??

Like before, e-mail me who ya think it is at

Thanx for playing

Big Man Out

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