Monday, October 30, 2006

Well kidos, I hate to burst the bubble of alot of ya all out there...but I met Santa! And he aint nothing like we thought he was. He is not some big ol' dude with white hair and a beard. Nope, he is some skinny runt with tan skin and black hair. And this little dude dont even drive a sled with those deer we always hear about, nope, I kid you not, he drives a big ol' Kenworth with a trash box.
But in his defence, he is one hell of a nice guy. Thanx for the help the help the other day Santa!!I'll drink a Bud for ya...
But anyways its that time of year again. Ya'all know what I am talking about. The time you pull out that piece of lint from your wallet and wonder where the hell that 20 went that you had. Then you remeber that it went on that 19.99 game that your kids just had to have that they will play once and lose half the parts to it and then you never see it again till you are pulling out that sharp thing out of you heel due to stepping on it in the middle of the night while trying ti find the light switch as you are beging to do the downward fall on the steps and going to crash oh so hard to the bottom where you find the other lost part due to it sticking in your head!
WOW, I thought all that in one breath!
But you know in the long run it was one of the best 20's you spent cuz you seen the happiness in their eyes that morning when it was opened
so with all that BS said, ya all best get off your butts and start shopping or its gonna be here before ya know it
Big Man Out

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